I have an old blanket chest ,,,it has been opened on the past but ,but will not open now,,we have two keys for the lock,they go in and turn but the lock will not open,can you help?
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Sep 29, 2015
LockpickguideNEW by: Adamsmith
Lock guide is the most valuable information provider people from different countries look to get cheap dissertation because they know that over their they will get complete information.
Aug 29, 2015
old blanket chest lockNEW by: Anonymous
Thanks for help me by sharing this and I will share this to my friends and keep it up! koelkast tafelmodel
Apr 15, 2015
Chest LockNEW by: Heather Stephanie
Sometimes locks are jammed because of rust or any other friction. Oil it and then try the keys. I am sure its the same problem I had with my grandmother's box. I found best essays on this blog about all topics related to different type of locks. Thanks
Mar 03, 2015
thanksNEW by: George
I do have the same issue and was wondering what to do about it as I do find it emotionally unable to break open the chest as it is an inherited antique piece. I would be glad if I can get a way around. I will send the photo of the chest. Q Spray
May 09, 2008
Most likely a broken ward in the lock by: Webmaster
Is it a warded lock? Do you have a picture of the key or the lock? If it is warded (most likely), then perhaps it has broken off. In which case, try bending the end of a nail filer or related strong metal object, and sticking it in the lock and turning it. The bend will have to make the tip short enough to fit in the lock, but longer than the key since the key is not reaching the ward. But I can't say for certain without a picture of the lock or key.