Your Guide to Lock Bumping and bump key help, and why you should just pick the lock:
Bumping locks is easy, especially with a lock pick gun or super lock pick gun. All you do is stick it in the keyhole, turn it on and provide tension. Lock pick guns work by vibrating, thereby hitting the pins constantly with varying and random force. The idea is to shoot them up into the shaft, and hope to get lucky and have the pins all line up at the same time that you are giving tension.
The snapper pick the same idea, except that it is not electronic. You push manually hit the pins with the metal shaft instead of electronically vibrating it.
Bump keys can also be used. They are somewhat inconvenient however, because you need a bump key that fits into the lock you are trying to bump. What is a bump key? Have you ever come across a lock that you have to jiggle the key to make it work? When you jiggle the key, you are essentially "picking" the lock using a bump key. To make a bump key, simply take any key that fits into the lock (or a blank key), and have a key maker make all cuts at maximum depth. Then, stick the key into the lock, and file off the "shoulder" of the key - the part which touches the outside of the lock preventing it from going in further. This allows more flexibility of the bump key so that the pins are more likely to set. If it is a 5 pin lock, the bump key should be inserted only to the fourth pin. This way, when you hit the key, the indentations in the key between where the pins are will hit the pins and shoot them up into the shaft simultaneously.
Ok here's your bump key help, now that you have your bump key, all you need to do is insert it and hit it on the back with a shoe (or equivalent blunt object), with a slight angle up or down. Turn the key as quick as possible after hitting it; repeat until the lock opens. It's not quite as elegant as picking the lock, but in many cases it works with a typical, low quality lock, like is found on most home deadbolts, padlocks, or any other lock you frequently come across.
Now this method of "picking" a lock is clumsy and noisy, and takes longer than drilling it out if you know how to. It also damages the lock if done too often. It requires the correct type and shape of key for every lock, therefore they are not universal like a quality set of picks. It rarely works with any good quality lock. Most locksmiths wouldn't be caught dead doing this. Pick guns frequently scratch the pins, and are very noisy. They are functional, but expensive.