Non pickable lock

by Mac McKenzie
(San Diego, CA, USA)

When I was in High School, a friend of mine had a padlock on his locker that had a typical appearance.

The kicker was that no key inserted into the keyway would work. The lock opened by pushing the nameplate from left to right.

A shim would probably have worked, but he would insert a key and pretend he was opening it as he pressed the nameplate.

Anyone ever hear of this and if so could I still get one?

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Oct 14, 2015
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Oct 02, 2015
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Sep 30, 2015
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Sep 04, 2015
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Aug 24, 2015
not good idea NEW
by: Ary

I don't think that this is good idea for lockers. btw, I just got two 8088's off of ebay @$6 ea shipped. He set the combo as well. Same guy that always seems to have them, apparently he really wants to get rid of them. As of this afternoon he had over 90 left. Find more essayboo

Jul 14, 2015
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Jul 14, 2015
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Jul 14, 2015
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Jun 15, 2015
Not Found!! NEW
by: Harry Lock Wizard

I think the lock is not up for sale anywhere. This is somewhat considered to be antique. Well, I don’t know if it is just senior housing portland oregon here in my place, but it is nowhere to be found. Well, I will try to get one and let you know if I succeed.

Apr 15, 2015
I have never come across such NEW
by: Anonymous

I have never come across such experience before and it's very surprising to know the way he opened the lock. I would like to pay for essay writing on several topics and in search for it, and i must tell you that i am so pleased to visit here.

Mar 05, 2015
impossible NEW
by: Gerald

I do not think there is something called a non-pickable lock. If it can be made by a brilliant mind, so can a much more genius of a mind remove it too. Just that no one has never done it till now does not mean no one ever will. windows help and support

Feb 03, 2012
magnate lock NEW
by: Anonymous

sounds like a for postion magnate lock magnates set a north south positistions in a combonation had one on a bike years a go

May 08, 2010
by: Potter

I would assume that the key was used to set pins and the sliding of the nameplate is the equivalent of the "turn." Since you could use the slide for tension, you could probably easily pick the lock, though, because it is a rare lock, I'd say beware of security pins.

Mar 25, 2010
by: Anonymous

I have one on my violin case but it doesn't have the name of the brand

Jun 18, 2009
by: Anonymous

hahaha that sounds mad.
never seen one of these :\
sounds like you mite be able to find online, or at a novalty/magic shop ?

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