Yes, one of the paperclips billion-and-one uses is a lock pick, go to a drawer or somewhere and find a paperclip, bend the tip down 90* and along with a makeshift tension wrench and Start picking that lock!
Dec 01, 2008 Rating
tools by: Anonymous
hey anon lol
i just picked my first lock today by stretching out the ring that holds my keys together and using a key chain clip as a tension bar... this is a hobos kit and it worked great on two other locks i tried... keep it up
Oct 20, 2008 Rating
Go to "Make your own lock picks" page by: Anonymous
Webmaster here. I've laid out some pretty good instructions on the how to make lock picks page. Hope that helps, also check out lock pick templates page. Also, not sure if the "bar" you're refering to is the shaft of a padlock or the bolt of a deadbolt, but deadbolts are a bit harder to pick for beginners, so I would recommend using some Master brand padlocks to start out. Good luck! (By the way, I don't need to tell you to only pick your own locks right? If you don't you jeapardize our entire hobby....)